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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Dimensions of communication

The dimension of communication relates to the structures procedures and modalities applied for the internal communication. Organizational communication and its a system is guided by hierarchy status and the authority delegated to the employees in multiple level. So, it merely refers to the system of communication that takes place between senior management,middle level management and lower level management. This three different levels of management are co ordinates through three different intersecting lines of communication such as vertical, horizontal and diagonal etc. These intersections of communication lines formulate four major dimensions of organizational.
Four major dimensions of organizational commjunication
a) Down stream commuinication
b) Upstream communication
c) Horizontal communication
d) Crosswise communication

Down Stram communication
It refers to the procedure of organizational communication controll by senior as well as executive management in matters of policy making and planning.In addition,the executive level management remain quit equtomous in every organizational activities without taking hold of middle and lower level management. For this downstream communication is consider to be more autocratic and dectatorial in nature. Followings are the basic features fo downstream communication.
- autocratic leadership
- Unilateral communication structure
- Cloedoor policy
_ Lack of empowerment and participations of sub-ordinate management
_ Sub-ordinate management
- Registens to compliance
- Filtering and distortion
- Group conflicts and managerial hazards

1. Effective controlling and discipline
2. Monetering evaluiation of activities
3. Strict chain of command and progress analysis
4. Speedy decisions and problem solving
5. Transparency and fairness in activities

Upstream communication
It idealises the form of communication in which sub-ordinate management is granted with freedom to communicate and actively involve in organizational acivity.This approach of communication emerged during 1950s as a policy of liberal management.Consequently,the lower level management is empowerment for effective planning,decision making and implementaion. This is the reason why upstream communication is consider to ve more domocratic and liberal in managerial approach.
The relationship between senior and sub-ordinate management jis facilitated and co-ordinated by a mediator called 'ombuds person'. An ombuds person is an individual or team which authorized to coordinate relation as well as work further welfare of sub-ordinates and organization. Thus followings are the major roles of ombuds persons.
1. Facilitation between senior and subordinate management.
2. Create publicity and awareness
3. Bridging and negotiating the distance between top and middle level management.
4. Evaluation,update and monitor the job performance.
5. Controlling and managing the sub-ordinate group.
6. Team co-ordination and leadership.
7. Rapport building,reporting and upgrading senior management.

Horizontal Communication
It refers to a linear communicative relationship exclusively limited among the similar level or groups of management. Popularly known as straight line communication. It relates to the communication between the employees holding similare status, position and hierarchy in organization structure. In this regard horizontal communication builds into uniformity and homogenity among the senior co-workers and sub-ordinate level working groups. Following are the major highlights of horizontal communication.

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