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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Business communication as problem Solving

As you look ahead to all the business communication tasks you may face, it can help to think about business communication as a problem solving activity. Researchers in many field management, medicine, writing, psychology, and others have study problem solving. In general, they define problem as simply “a gap between where always something negative: it can be an opportunity to improve a situation or do things in a better way. As a goal focused enterprise, business is all about solving problems, and so, therefore, is business communication.
The problem solving literature divides problems into two main types? Well defined and ill defined. The form can be solved by following a formula, such as when you are computing how much money is left in your department’s budget . But most real world problems, including business communication problems, cannot be solved this way. They do not come to us in neat packages with the path to the best solution clearly implied. Instead, they require research, analysis, creativity and judgment. One reason why this is the case in business communication is that, as in any communication situation, people are involve and people are both complex and unique but the business context itself is often complex, presenting you with multiple options for handling any given situation for example, if a customer has complain, what will you do about it? Nothing? Apologize? Imply that the customer was at fault? Give a conciliatory discount? Refuse to adjust the bill? Even a “simple” problem like this one requires thinking through the likely short and long term effect of several possible solution.
Solving ill-defined problems involve combining existing resources with innovation and good judgment. Although this book presents basic plans for several common types of business. Communication messages, you will not able to solve particular communication problems by just filling in the blanks of this plans. The plans can be thought of as heuristics-“rules of thumb” that keep you from reinventing the while with is new problem. But the plans do not tell you all need to do to solve each unique communication problem. You must decide how adopt each plan to the given situation.
What this means is that successful business communication is both more challenging and more exciting then you may have thought. You will need to draw un your own powers of interpretation and to decision making to succeed with your human communication partners.


  1. use less, you copy from LESIKAR book . its a crime

  2. Copy from Lesikar business communication book
