CPU is responsible for processing the inputs as well as for controlling the different hardware, software components and their activities. CPU of micro computer is known as micro processor. Microprocessor is made by silicon and it contains VLSI circuit, CPU contains three sub components.
i) ALU( Arithmetic and Logical Unit)
It performs arithmetical and logical operations. According to the instructions from control unit arithmetic operation includes +-*/mod(%),^ etc and the logical operation includes <,> <=, >= 1=or <> and,or,not etc. This unit is responsible for processing or executing or calculating the inputs for generating the outputs.
ii) CU(Controls Unit)
It is the main control center of the computer. It performs task of controlling all the components including hardware and software and their activities uses control signal for controlling all the task in the computer is performed according to the instruction from control unit.
iii) Set of registers:-
A set of registers is a small and temporary memory location present in cpu. CPU contains multiple numbers of registers It actually the holds the memory address of the data and instructions. The different registers used are MAR, IR, PC,I/p register , AR etc.
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